err01 The tag <[[OTHER]]> does not yet exist.

If you want to add it, you must create the methods o_[[OTHER]] (for opening) and c_[[OTHER]] (for closure) by following the model of existing tags.

If you create these methods, do not hesitate to send me an email to to included them in the next version of HTML2PDF. err02 Sentence of 1000 lines => too long
Sentence : [[OTHER_0]]
Width box : [[OTHER_1]]
Length text : [[OTHER_2]]
err03 HTML code invalid, a tag is too closed : <[[OTHER]]> err04 HTML code invalid, the tags are not closed in an orderly.
Status :
err05 HTML code invalid, all tags must be closed.
Status :
err06 Impossible to load the image [[OTHER]] err07 The content of a TD tag does not fit on only one page txt01 ERROR n° txt02 File : txt03 Line : pdf01 Document generated on [[date_y]]-[[date_m]]-[[date_d]] pdf02 Document generated at [[date_h]]:[[date_i]] pdf03 Document generated on [[date_y]]-[[date_m]]-[[date_d]] at [[date_h]]:[[date_i]] pdf04 Page [[current]]/[[nb]]